In 1957, the last episode of the popular American television show I Love Lucy aired. It's also the year when the Stockholm Underground got its first public work of art.
Of course other undergrounds, like the one one in Moscow, were richly adorned, but it wasn't art in the real sense.
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“The debate in Stockholm to make art more accessible to the public had been going on since the 19th century, but it was in the 1950's that two progressive artists, Vera Nilsson and Siri Derkert, proposed to politicians to adorn the newly built underground with art.”
After a public contest in 1957, artists, architects and technicians worked together to adorn the station of T-Centralen. Since then, 90 of the 100 stations have art created by over 150 artist. At the same time many exhibitions and guided tours take place.
Today, the Stockholm Underground is not only a means of transportation, it's also the worlds longest art exhibition. Featuring 110 km of fine art! / STELIOS VASILANTONAKIS, CO-FOUNDER